Disability Alliance

Disability Alliance's logo, four circles meeting together in resemblance to a Venn Diagram


Founded in February of 2022, the Disability Alliance affinity group strives to create space for connection and advocacy for university employees who self-identify as having a disability and their allies. The group works to build an inclusive community where individuals feel safe self-identifying as having a disability and influence policies to support this group in their work at the university.

University Resources

Events and Programming

The Disability Alliance hosts regular virtual lunchtime meetings as well as other events and initiatives supported by individual members. If you have an idea for an event, please get in touch with us!

Connect With Us

Join the Disability Alliance on Microsoft Teams. 
This is the space to share resources, provide input, and build community. Please reach out to Andrew Gillen to contact the group’s leadership team.

Affinity Group Leadership

Sara Ewell
Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs for the College of Professional Studies and Teaching Professor, Graduate School of Education
✉︎ s.ewell@northeastern.edu
Andrew Gillen
Assistant Teaching Professor, First Year Engineering Program
✉︎ a.gillen@northeastern.edu
Shannon Alpert
Faculty Lead and Assistant Teaching Professor, Project Management, College of Professional Studies
✉︎ s.alpert@northeastern.edu